Category: Event

  • School Group Demo

    A demonstration for a group of homeschool students and families at the Craig Heritage Park and Museum.

  • Island Blacksmith @ Salish Sea Market

    Island Blacksmith @ Salish Sea Market

    When we were at the Lighthouse Fall Fair, Sharon from Salish Sea Market in Bowser stopped by and said she was interested in our work. Later we visited the market and felt welcome. As soon as we entered the gallery, we were struck by the beauty of artwork and uncrowded gallery-like atmosphere. So now you…

  • Party on the Drive

    Crossed Heart Forge demo set up at Tigh-Na-Mara for the Resort Drive event. We were invited to participate in the first ever P-Art-y on the Drive event in Parksville on the ninth of September. Our booth featured a live demonstration of cold forged copper penannular shawl pins, rings, and bracelets and also displayed the hand…

  • Lighthouse Fall Fair

    Island Blacksmith creations and knife sharpening demo set up at the 42nd annual Lighthouse Country Fall Fair.

  • Qualicum Beach Summer Artisan Market

    Qualicum Beach Summer Artisan Market

    We will be set up at the Summer Artisan Market outside The Old School House in Qualicum Beach every Friday from 3-8pm for July and August. The Artisan Market showcases some of the finest artisans in Oceanside and all works are handmade and sold by the artists in person. Come down and say hello and…

  • T.O.S.H. 100th and Saihou-Kotengu Taiko

    T.O.S.H. 100th and Saihou-Kotengu Taiko

    We really enjoyed the taiko drumming class final performance…Kazuo~san and Mutsumi~san were amazing and we need to bring them back again soon!

  • Panther Valley Day

    A photo of our minimal style portable set up from the demo at the Craig Heritage Park and Museum community event.

  • Bike to Work Wrap Up

    This Sunday (June 3) we will be set up at Morningstar Farm for the Bike To Work Week Community Ride wrap up event.

  • Forged Blade Workshop

    A collaborative instructional blade forging session with a Vancouver Island Blacksmith from Foggy Mountain Forge

  • PQB News Article

    We were featured in a well written community profile in the Parksville Qualicum Beach News today

  • Morningstar Photos

    Photos from our first day of weekend demos at Morningstar Farm, Little Qualicum Cheeseworks, and the Mooberry Winery.

  • French Creek / Coombs

    Fresh photos from the demo at the “Coombs celebrates the French Creek School 100th Anniversary” event.

  • Morningstar Farm

    This Sunday (May 20) we will be set up at the home of Little Qualicum Cheeseworks and the Mooberry Winery.

  • French Creek 100th

    This Saturday (May 19) we will be doing another outdoor blade forging and button making demo at the 100th anniversary event.

  • Craig Heritage Demo

    Starting off the season with beautiful weather and lots of interested visitors made today’s outdoor demonstration an enjoyable event.