Assessment for Antique Restoration Project


Custom prerequisite evaluation required for a client/collector preparing for an antique restoration or mounting project.



Please contact for availability before purchasing this option. This is a custom prerequisite required for a client/collector preparing for an antique restoration or mounting project.

Treating the initial evaluation and assessment of an antique blade, koshirae, or fittings as a separate expense allows the proper time and perspective needed to make informed decisions on the project before proceeding. It can also protect both parties from loss by knowing as much as possible at the outset.

This fee covers normal in-hand inspection and assessment of the condition and feasibility of further work with an item/items. It does not guarantee any specific information or outcomes will be knowable, and all risk for damage or loss remains the clients at all times. If necessary, and additional expenses will be discussed with the client before proceeding (such as polishing to opening a window, or consulting other specialists).

Shipping expense both ways is extra and will be the responsibility of the client. ANTIQUE ITEMS SENT FOR EVALUATION, RESTORATION, OR REPAIR REMAIN AT YOUR RISK AT ALL TIMES.