Photo Essay: Antique Wakizashi Restored

Some views of an Edo period wakizashi that had a tsuka repair with tsuba and fuchi replacement, fitment tune-up, and scabbard repair and lacquering. Thank you to its caretakers for allowing me to contribute to its care and preservation.

Unpapered as it came out of Japan before WWII and had been in a family continuously until it recently changed caretakers, this is a healthy wakizashi that is worthy of preservation, with typical shape of the early to late 1600s and excellent narrow suguha hamon with beautiful boshi. Could possibly be an older blade that is o-suriage (cut shorter), or simply mumei, still has a nice older style polish and a couple of legitimate battle nicks.

Mountings appear to be Edo period (~1600-1800), silver plated copper habaki and seppa, finely crafted nunome-zogan tsuba, shakudo fuchi (wave) and menuki (bamboo kamon), sakura bark style urushi saya.

Wakizashi with Edo Koshirae

Wakizashi with Edo Koshirae

Wakizashi with Edo Koshirae

Wakizashi with Edo Koshirae

Wakizashi with Edo Koshirae

Wakizashi with Edo Koshirae

Wakizashi with Edo Koshirae


長さ/刃長 Nagasa: 467mm
元幅 Motohaba: 26mm
先幅 Sakihaba: 19mm
元重/重ね Motokasane: 6mm
先重ね Sakikasane: 5mm
反り Sori: 13mm, slightly sakizori (先反)
中心/茎 Nakago: 128mm
柄長 Tsuka: 157mm
拵全長 Koshirae: 685mm

Tsuba 64mm x 61mm x 4mm
Fuchi 38mm x 22mm x 9.5mm
Kashira 30mm x 18mm x 7mm
Koiguchi 38mm x 21mm
Kurikata 34mm x w11.5mm x h11mm
Kojiri 36mm x 18mm
Kogatana blank 109mm x 10mm, 217mm w/kozuka

形 Katachi: shinogi-zukuri, iori-mune
刃文 Hamon: hoso suguha
帽子/鋩子 Boshi: ko-maru
中心/茎 Nakago: suriage, kuri-jiri, two mekugi-ana 7mm, one filled with copper
銘 Mei: mumei
拵 Koshirae: Edo period wakizashi

In a private collection in California.


