Island Workshop Day 1

Unloaded all 4000 pounds of steel and tools, stashed most of it under cover and out of the rain. Set up the forge table and sorted tools.

Day 1 of the secret island workshop set up.

The Long Haul

The tools and steel came from two different locations on the mainland, northern Alberta and the Fraser Valley. My grandparents had graciously lent me an empty granary for to store tools in while I was in Japan. Almost everything survived the weather, elements, coming and going of people and their assorted stuff, and the occasional borrowing of tools and equipment in my absence.

The other source for some of the missing items was a professional blacksmith in PoCo who went out of heavy duty smithing a few years back and wanted to find a legitimate ‘smith to make use of his tools. Fortunately for me, he did not want the tools to go to “collectors” or dealers, nor did he want to sell things piecemeal so they were all still waiting there and in New West for our return to Canada. Roy was very helpful with loading, handling, and lots of ‘smithing advice, originally from Germany, he apprenticed under a well-known master in the Black Forest.

Heavy Metal

Needless to say, upon the merging of almost two shop’s worth, there was a fairly heavy load of steel and tools on the ferry that trip. Lots of excercise in a few short days but no injuries or mishaps getting it all to the island. Thanks to my dad for lending his heavy truck, helping hand, and driving skills.

The New Location

In the spirit of the old shop, the new location remains top-secret for now, but photos will share the inside story and there are some more public plans in the works. Day 1 consisted of unloading and stashing the tools and steel stock, roughly planning how to use the space, and making a mental list of additional materials needed to complete the project.


